There are few things that make me truly happy besides my God and my family. Teaching the children at our church, a huge VBS each summer, and having a packed children's department on Sunday mornings are a few things that do go a long way to making me happy. Today as I went from room to room and saw how each one was full of happy kids and teachers, my heart was warmed. I was filled with excitment that lasted all day long.
There is just something about seeing those kids actively engaged in learning and enjoying being at church that makes a wave of excitment sweep over the whole department. Having five new visitors just added to the whole experience. Teachers were smiling and thrilled. Games were going great. Lessons were going great. Yes, it was a great day! (Well there was this one little girl who decide to try and find her mother all by herself. But, that's another story.)
I love this feeling. I wish that I could hang on to it, have it every Sunday. But ministry is not always exciting and sometimes is down right hard. I wouldn't trade this for anything though. Next Sunday I will arrive with a sense of anticipation. Will that excitment fill our children and teachers? I pray that it will. There is nothing that compares to serving our Lord.