Monday, October 20, 2008

Could God get any better?

I have set a goal. My goal is to make my theology and my reality match.I have seen God really work in my life (and those around me) so much lately. I want to believe what I say that I believe and live like I believe it. You know (to take a line from Beth Moore) to believe God is who He says He is and to believe God can do what He says He can do. He is working big things in my life just to show me that I can believe Him. He is working tons of little things that would mean nothing to anyone but me. Please know that I am not talking about believing there is a God or believing for salvation. I mean a faith or trust that He knows what is best for me and that is what He wants for me and for me to trust Him for these things(circumstances, relationships, etc.) to come into my life.
He has reminded me that life must be intentional. I cannot wait around for the things that I want in my life or my mininstry to come about--hoping they will happen. I must pray and plan for them to happen. My new mantra: pray for it, plan for it, watch for it to happen! All things to be in His will of course and in His time. For example if I want to take a trip then I must pray and the plan for the trip, then save up the money and make the arrangements for the trip. I can't just wish I could take the trip and hope that someday it will happen as if by accident or something.
Any way, I am just thanking Him for His goodness and all the answered prayers, big ones and little ones!

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